The dashboard page is the first page shown when you sign in to the WafCharm Console. It contains information such as the usage status of your resources.
Please keep in mind that the available information may vary depending on your plan, platform, and roles.
Depending on the configuration status, the information listed below will be available.
WAF Config Status
Web Monitoring Config Status (for the new plan/MP ver. only)
Number of logs
Billing Amount
Detection Status (for AWS WAF v2 only)
Detection Status
The Detection Status section will show graphs of aggregated data based on blocked WAF logs.
Latest 24 hours: This section displays the number of accesses and blocked access based on the latest 24-hour WAF logs.
Rule: This value is from the terminatingRuleId available in the WAF logs. If the rules within a rule group detect a request, the individual rule name will not be shown.
Country: This is a value from the country available in the WAF log.
IP: This is a value from the clientIp available in the WAF log.
URI: This is a value from the uri available in the WAF log.
Limitations and Notes
When you add or update a WAF Config, its status will change to [Applying] under the WAF Config Status panel. Once the application is completed successfully, the status will change to [Used].
If there are errors in the configurations, you will see a [Config Error] in each panel.
If WAF Configs are not registered, no data will be displayed in the log count section.
The Detection Status is only available if WAF log retrieval (new method) is enabled.
If the WAF log retrieval is disabled or WAF logs are not outputted yet, the data will be unavailable.
The Detection Status will only show data from the blocked requests.
The number of blocked requests in the Detection Status is aggregated from the action value in the WAF logs. The action field in the WAF log contains information on the terminating action that AWS WAF applied to the request. The available values are Allow, Block, CAPTCHA, or Challenge.
Because the action field does not contain the value Count, counted requests cannot be searched based on the Count action.
All values searched and displayed in the Detection Status feature are the values from the WAF logs.
Please refer to the Log fields page in the AWS document for more details on the values available in WAF logs.
WafCharm uses WAF logs downloaded from your S3 bucket, so the features will not use the WAF logs saved on the S3 bucket in your AWS environment.
It will take 5-10 minutes for WafCharm to download WAF logs using the WAF log retrieval method (the new method). If WAF logs of the day are saved on your S3 bucket, it should not affect WAF log-related features provided by WafCharm.